Concept Of E-counselling – What is E-counselling

the concept of e counselling

E counselling is an online therapy service for professional mental health offered on the Internet through email, real-time chat, chat room assistance, and video conferencing. This can be also offered on other mediums such as conversation on call, text messages, or whatsapp chats. Online therapy is also known as e-therapy, e counselling, teletherapy, or cyber-counselling, which involves providing the services, sessions, or online courses for mental health. 

Mental health is also important as a healthy body is important to survive. It impacts the overall working, thoughts, behaviour, and emotions. It creates a direct impact on all the activities of our life like work, home, effectiveness, and creativity. Mental health is important throughout life from childhood to adulthood and till you are alive as it affects how you think, feel, act, and how you handle the reverse situation and make choices about everything. The more you are happy in mind, the more you will work effectively.

Some Mental Health Issues and e Counselling

Anxiety, hopeless feeling, sadness, anger, uncontrolled emotions are few mental health issues people are facing because of stressed lifestyles, sleepless nights and over excursions, these can be improved by treatment to live a quality, healthy and happy life. E counselling is helpful to handle the stress, overcome with anxiety, and good mental health. A study in 2018 says that e counselling is equally effective as face-to-face counselling as few people feel comfortable getting the services at their place.

Sometimes, people make comments such as difference between e counselling and Psychotherapy, so let us clarify that there is a difference between e-counselling and Psychotherapy. The e-counselling refers to the counselling session for behavior matters, this is a short-term treatment, which can be cured by the conversions, chats, and reading the relevant books. Whereas Psychotherapy is treating the long-term patients who are struggling with deep emotional problems, high-level anxiety, and difficulty to understand life or relationships.

Results of E Counselling in Mental Health Issues

E counselling is more effective and result-oriented. It involves listening, honesty, concentration, positive approach, responsiveness, deep counselling, and open questioning from both sides as these things make the e counselling sessions successful. The person who is counselling and the counsellor both are equally important and responsible for performing e counselling as both have to trust each other and need to reach the result that is perfect mental health. 

Process of E Counselling

The e counselling is a process, which is performed step by step. It starts from the relationship building with the client, making them comfortable to speak about the mental health, behavioural issues, or about the anxiety they are facing. Then the assessment of the problem to diagnose the real cause.

It involves listening skills, an observation about the emotions, analyzing, and suggestions with problem-solving aspects. The next step is termination and following up with the client for better results and trust factor building. The e counselling is proven as an essential way to overcome the behavioural and mental issues which can bother the complete lifestyle.

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