Why WordPress Technology is Chosen Best Against HTML

Why WordPress Technology is Chosen Best Against HTML

In the present era, everyone is aware of the internet and majority of them have access to internet services.It has become such an integral part of people’s lives and almost taken for granted. As a content creator you have also considered having an online presence and owning your website.

You might be familiar with html only website as html is most commonly used.However,WordPress development company has created an effective content management system where they help content creators to have their own website.It can be a very good alternative to html for your purposes.

What is the difference between WordPress and html?

Before getting into this topic you must give an idea about what is html and what is WordPress html.

As for html, it is then the most common mark-up language used to make websites. A lot of websites use this html along with some scripting language as preferred by the developer. CSS or JavaScript can also be used to shape websites. There is some difference between html and CSS and JavaScript, but all there are markedly different from WordPress. If you will most probably have to hire a developer in order to set this up.

Coming to WordPress it is essentially a content management system where you can manage your own website. The interface is such that you can take care of every bit of your website without requiring any external help. Unlike hand coded websites WordPress will provide you the platform and tools to create websites that do not require the knowledge of a developer.

Which one is better?

There is no single answer for this. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended that you know these before choosing either WordPress or html.

Advantages of WordPress

1. Full access to website controls-The best thing about WordPress is that you get complete ownership of the website. If you compare building a website from scratch vs WordPress you will find that WordPress provides an easy and user-friendly way to create and modify website parameters.

2. Customisation and functionality- WordPress development company has provided multiple tools at your disposal to customize your website the way you want to. You can change the themes, fonts and add images as you like. Plugins are also there which provide you with special functionalities.

3. Update on your own-With periodic updates WordPress introduces new features and functionality. You can easily incorporate them into your website to update your website. An updated website looks good and generates more traffic.

Disadvantage of WordPress

1. Hard to master-While it is easy to create websites with WordPress, there are a ton of features and functionalities in it. You may learn the basics fast but in order to take full advantage, you need to learn how to use all the functions.

2. Requires regular maintenance-Updates and changes are a common part of WordPress websites. As you make such changes you may face compatibility issues with old plugins and themes. You have to make sure everything works well together from time to time.

3. Resource hungry-WordPress requires a decent amount of computational resources. Even when you compare WordPress vs.html5, you will find that WordPress is significantly heavier on your device.

Advantages of html

1. No maintenance headache-Html only website is based on simple codes and few updates. Thus, there is almost no need to regularly maintain your website.

2. Access to raw codes-Html websites are hand coded websites. You can find all the coding and programming behind your website in detail. Nothing is hidden or omitted and all of it can be changed and modified by a trained person.

Disadvantages of html

1.     Developers fees-If you do not have knowledge about computer programming then you will require a developer for website html coding. Even to make minor changes and modifications you will have to hire a developer. This significantly increases the cost.

2.     Updates are non-existent-Html offers little to no updates. Even with the introduction of html5, the advantages of html5 over html is not that significant to call it an upgrade. Even then you will need to take the help of a developer to make any update.

3.     Lacks cool features-The main reason why people static site to wordpress is because of the feature set of WordPress. Html being simple code offers none of that.


Both html and WordPress are very capable to serve your purposes. As with anything, both have their pros and cons. It is up to you whether you like what WordPress development company is providing or the simplicity of html. You can try using both to get a better understanding of html vs WordPress. If you enjoy the pros and tolerate the cons of either one of them, that that one is for you.

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