How To Type Enye Letter (Ñ) on Your Computer, Laptop, or Smartphone

How To Type Enye Letter (Ñ) on Your Computer, Laptop, or Smartphone

The letter “ñ,” often referred to as “enye” in Spanish, is a distinctive and integral part of the Spanish language and various other languages such as Galician and Basque. This unique character, denoted by a tilde placed atop the letter “n,” holds significant linguistic importance, serving to distinguish words and convey specific sounds that are essential for accurate pronunciation and comprehension. While typing the letter “ñ” may seem straightforward to some, it can pose a challenge for others, particularly those unfamiliar with the various methods available across different devices and operating systems.

In this article, we delve into the diverse techniques and keyboard shortcuts for typing the letter “ñ” across different platforms, from smartphones and tablets to computers, ensuring seamless communication in languages that utilize this special character. Whether you’re typing on an Android phone, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Linux, Ubuntu, or Windows computer, we’ve got you covered with comprehensive instructions to effortlessly incorporate the “ñ” into your texts, documents, and digital communications.

What is the Spanish letter ñ?

What is the Spanish letter ñ?

The letter “ñ” is a special character in the Latin alphabet. It’s formed by putting a tilde on top of the letter “n.” In Spanish, it has its own name (“eñe”) and is considered a separate letter, coming after “n” in the alphabet. It’s used in languages like Spanish, Galician and Basque.

To pronounce the letter ñ, think of it as having a ‘y’ in the middle. So, for the word señor, pronounce it as seh-nyohr. Blend the ‘n’ and the ‘y’ seamlessly and place your tongue behind your top front teeth when you say the ñ.

How to Type Enye (Letter Ñ) on Mobile Devices

Android Phone

 letter ñ ON Android

To type “Ñ” or “ñ” on your Android phone, follow these simple steps:

  1. Hold or Long-Press the N/n Key: Press and hold the letter “N” or “n” on your phone’s keyboard. A small pop-up menu will appear showing different accent marks.
  2. Select Ñ/ñ: Slide your finger over to choose the “Ñ” or “ñ” from the options that appear in the pop-up menu.
  3. Enable Additional Languages: If you don’t see the option for “Ñ” or “ñ” when you long-press the N/n key, you may need to enable other languages on your keyboard settings. Go to Settings > Language & input > Languages, and make sure languages such as Filipino or Spanish are enabled.
  4. Adjust Keyboard Settings: If Ñ/ñ still doesn’t appear after enabling additional languages, check your keyboard settings. If your keyboard language is set to English, turn on Filipino or Spanish. This action should make Ñ/ñ available as an option when you hold down the N/n key.

By following these steps, you can easily incorporate the “Ñ” or “ñ” letter into your texts on an Android phone, ensuring accurate and proper representation in languages that utilize this special character.

iPhone or iPad

letter ñ for iPhone and OS

To type “Ñ” or “ñ” on your iPhone or iPad:

  1. Hold down the N/n key: Press and hold the letter “N” or “n” on your device’s keyboard.
  2. Select Ñ/ñ: A pop-up menu will appear showing different accent marks. Slide your finger to choose the “Ñ” or “ñ” option.
  3. Utilize Keyboard Shortcuts: Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts:
    • Hold the letter “N” or “n”, and various accent marks will appear.
    • Slide your finger to select the desired “Ñ” or “ñ” option from the menu.

By following these steps, you can easily incorporate the “Ñ” or “ñ” letter into your texts on your iPhone or iPad, ensuring accurate representation in languages that utilize this special character.

How to type Ñ (enye) on a laptop without a numpad

Sure, here’s a simplified step-by-step guide:

Method 1:

  1. Click on the start menu button.
  2. Select “All Programs.”
  3. Click on “Accessories.”
  4. Choose “System Tools.”
  5. Click on “Character Map” to open it.
  6. Look for the “enye” (Ñ or ñ), then click “Select” and “Copy.”
  7. Go back to your document or webpage and paste it using Ctrl + V or right-click and select “Paste.”

Method 2:

  1. Tap or click on the start menu button.
  2. In the search field, type “Character Map” and press Enter.
  3. The Character Map window will open.
  4. Find the “enye” (Ñ or ñ) you want and click on it.
  5. Select “Copy.”
  6. Paste it into your document or webpage.

These steps should help you easily type the “enye” (Ñ or ñ) on your Windows 10 laptop or computer, even if you don’t have a number pad or if it’s not working.

 How to Type Ñ (enye) Through Numeric Keypad

To type “Ñ” or “ñ” on a Windows computer or laptop using the numeric keypad:

  1. Enable Num Lock: Press the Num Lock key to activate the numeric keypad. You’ll know it’s activated when the Num Lock light is on.
  2. Access the Numeric Keypad: Locate the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard. If your keyboard doesn’t have a dedicated Num Lock key, press the Fn and F11 keys simultaneously to activate the numeric keypad.
  3. Type the Enye: While holding down the Alt key, type the corresponding Alt code on the numeric keypad:
    • For lowercase “ñ”: Hold Alt and type 164 (or Alt + 0241).
    • For uppercase “Ñ”: Hold Alt and type 165 (or Alt + 0209).
  4. Check for Function Keys: If your keyboard doesn’t have a Num Lock key and you’re using the Fn key with another key to activate the numeric keypad, ensure you press Fn along with Alt and the specified shortcut numbers.
  5. Disable Sticky Keys and Filter Keys: If you’re unable to type the enye even after enabling Num Lock and pressing the shortcut keys, check if “Sticky Keys” and “Filter Keys” are turned off. Navigate to Settings > Ease of Access > Keyboard to verify and disable them if necessary.

By following these steps, you can easily type the “enye” (Ñ or ñ) on your Windows computer or laptop using the numeric keypad.

How To Type An N With A Tilde On Mac

Enye on Mac

Method 1: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Press and hold the Option key.
  2. While holding Option, press the letter “n”. This creates the tilde accent.
  3. Release both keys, then press “n” again to place the tilde over the letter.

Method 2: Using the Character Viewer

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the letter “n” with a tilde.
  2. Press Ctrl+Cmd+Space to open the Character Viewer.
  3. Type “n” in the search bar.
  4. Select “ñ” or “Ñ” from the list that appears.

Method 3: Input Sources and Keyboard Layouts

  1. Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources.
  2. Click the ‘+’ button and select “Spanish” from the list.
  3. Switch to the Spanish keyboard layout by clicking on the flag icon in the menu bar and selecting “Spanish”.
  4. Type the “ñ” character using the corresponding key on the Spanish keyboard layout.

Method 4: Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Text.
  2. Click the ‘+’ button to add a new replacement.
  3. In the ‘Replace’ column, type a unique sequence (e.g., “nnn”).
  4. In the ‘With’ column, type the “ñ” character.
  5. Now, when you type your custom shortcut sequence, it will automatically be replaced with “ñ”.

Method 5: Using Text Expansion Apps

  1. Download and install a text expansion app like TextExpander or Typinator.
  2. Set up a snippet with the “ñ” character as the content and choose a unique abbreviation as the trigger.
  3. As you type, the app will automatically replace the abbreviation with “ñ”.

By following these steps, you can easily type the letter “n” with a tilde on your Mac using different methods, depending on your preference and needs.

How To Type Enye on Linux/Ubuntu

To type the “enye” (ñ) on Linux or Ubuntu, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Ctrl, Shift, and U keys simultaneously.
  2. Release all three keys.
  3. Type 00f1 to insert a lowercase ñ or 00d1 to insert an uppercase Ñ.
  4. Press the space bar.

For Ubuntu specifically:

  1. Press the Shift and tilde (~) keys simultaneously.
  2. Release them, then press the “n” key.

For Linux:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + U keys simultaneously.
  2. Release all keys.
  3. Type 00f1 for lowercase ñ or 00d1 for uppercase Ñ.
  4. Press the space bar.

By following these steps, you can easily type the “enye” (ñ) on your Linux or Ubuntu system.

Insert Enye Frome Office Symbol Library

To insert the symbol for “ñ” with a tilde from the Office Symbol Library in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the MS Word, Excel, or PowerPoint application.
  2. Place your cursor at the desired location in your document or spreadsheet.
  3. Navigate to the Insert tab at the top of the application window.

Insert Symbol for N With a Tilde from Office Symbol Library

4. Click on the “Symbols” button in the Symbols group. Then, select “More Symbols” from the drop-down menu.

Insert Symbol for N With a Tilde from Office Symbol Library

5. In the Symbol window that appears, find the symbol for “ñ” with a tilde. You can use the Subset dropdown list to filter symbols, or type the Unicode 00D1 in the Character code text box to quickly locate it.

6. Once you’ve found the symbol, double-click on it to insert it into your document or spreadsheet. Alternatively, you can click the “Insert” button.

Insert Symbol for N With a Tilde from Office Symbol Library

7. Close the Symbol window.

8. You have successfully inserted the symbol for “ñ” with a tilde into your document or spreadsheet using the Office Symbol Library.

By following these steps, you can easily insert special characters like “ñ” with a tilde into your Office documents or presentations, even if they are not available on your keyboard.

Setting up the Spanish Keyboard in Microsoft Word

  1. Open the Control Panel from the Start menu.
  2. Click on “Clock, Language, and Region” and select “Change keyboards or other input methods.”
  3. Click on “Change keyboards…” again.
  4. Choose “Spanish” from the list of available languages and select the specific variation. Then, click OK.

Insert Enye in Google Docs

To insert the “ñ” character in Google Docs without using keyboard shortcuts, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Insert” in the menu bar at the top.

Insert Symbol for N With a Tilde from Office Symbol Library

2. Select “Special characters” from the dropdown menu.

3. In the Special characters window, select “Latin” from the first dropdown field and leave the second dropdown field as “Common.”

4. Scroll down or use the search bar to locate the “ñ” character. It’s usually located on the 11th row.

5. Click on the “ñ” character to insert it into your Google Docs document.

If you need to insert the capital “Ñ,” you can find it on the 7th row in the last column.

Additionally, if you’re having trouble finding the “ñ” character, you can type “N with tilde” in the “Search by keyword” field to quickly locate it.

By following these steps, you can easily insert the “ñ” character in your Google Docs document without using keyboard shortcuts.

Insert Ñ Using Character Map

Character Map UI

To type the letter “N” with a tilde using the Character Map utility:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type “charmap” into the Run box and press Enter.
  3. Once the Character Map window is open, select the “Wingdings” font from the Font dropdown menu.
  4. Scroll through the characters until you find the one that looks like a capital “N” with a tilde.
  5. Click on the desired character to select it.
  6. Click the “Copy” button.
  7. Paste the copied character into the document or application where you want to use it.

Character Map enye UI

By following these steps, you can easily insert the letter “N” with a tilde using the Character Map utility on Windows.

All the Keyboard Shortcuts to Type the Enye Letter (Ñ)

Device Keyboard Shortcut
iPhone Long press N or switch to Spanish (Spain) or Spanish (Latin America) keyboard layout
Android Long press N or switch to Spanish (Spain) or Spanish (Latin America) keyboard layout
Windows PC ALT + 165 (for uppercase Ñ) or ALT + 164 (for lowercase ñ) using numeric keypad (Num Lock enabled)
MacBook Option + N, then press N or n for Ñ or ñ, respectively
Word Windows: CTRL + SHIFT + ~, then press N or n for Ñ or ñ, respectively.

Mac: Option + N, then press N or n for Ñ or ñ, respectively.

Excel Windows: ALT + 0209 (for uppercase Ñ) or ALT + 0241 (for lowercase ñ) using numeric keypad (Num Lock enabled) 

Mac: Option + N, then press N or n for Ñ or ñ, respectively.

Google Docs Windows: CTRL + SHIFT + ~, then press N or n for Ñ or ñ, respectively.

Mac: Option + N, then press N or n for Ñ or ñ, respectively.

Ubuntu Linux CTRL + SHIFT + U, then type 00D1 for uppercase Ñ or 00F1 for lowercase ñ, then press Enter.

Please note that the actual keyboard shortcuts may vary depending on keyboard layout, language settings, and operating system version.


Mastering the art of typing the letter “ñ” opens up avenues for clear and precise communication in languages where it holds significance. Whether you’re a language enthusiast, a traveler immersing yourself in foreign cultures, or simply seeking to enhance your digital literacy, knowing how to type the “ñ” empowers you to express yourself accurately across various digital platforms.

With the comprehensive methods and keyboard shortcuts outlined in this article, you can seamlessly integrate this special character into your writing, ensuring authenticity and clarity in your linguistic endeavors. Embrace the richness of language and unlock new possibilities by incorporating the letter “ñ” into your digital repertoire with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the tilde?

A1: The tilde looks like a wavy line and is used in languages like Spanish and Portuguese. It’s also used in typing to create special characters like “ñ” or “Ñ”.

Q2: How do I type the N with a Tilde on Windows 10?

A2: Press Alt and type 0241 or 0209 on the numeric keypad with Num Lock enabled.

Q3: Is there an easier way to type the N with Tilde?

A3: Yes, you can use the Character Map. Press Windows key, type “Character Map”, select it, find “ñ” or “Ñ”, then double-click to insert.

Q4: Are there other methods for typing the N with Tilde?

A4: You can use the Language Bar. Press Windows key, type “Language Bar”, select it, choose your language, then type “ñ” or “Ñ”.

Q5: Can I use the N with Tilde in Microsoft Word?

A5: Yes, press Alt and type 0241 or 0209 on the numeric keypad with Num Lock enabled.

Q6: Can I use the N with Tilde in other programs?

A6: Yes, press Alt and type 0241 or 0209 on the numeric keypad with Num Lock enabled.

Q7: Is Ñ a letter?

A7: Yes, it’s a letter of the Spanish alphabet pronounced like “enye” or “nye.”

Q8: How do you type Ñ in Excel?

A8: Go to Insert tab, click Symbol, type “N” in search box, select Ñ character, then click Insert.

Q9: What is the accent on top of the letter Ñ called?

A9: It’s called a tilde and represents that the word used to have two “N”s.

Q10: How can I type a small enye on my Windows laptop?

A10: Press Alt + 164 (or Alt + 0241) after enabling Num Lock, or use the virtual numeric keypad.

Q11: What if I can’t type out a letter enye even after turning on Num Lock?

A11: Check if ‘Sticky Keys’ and ‘Filter Keys’ are turned off in keyboard settings.

Q12: What if I don’t have a Num Lock key on my Windows keyboard?

A12: Use the virtual numeric keypad with Windows Logo key + Ctrl + O or use Windows’ Character Map.

Q13: How do I type enye in Mac?

A13: Press and hold the letter “n” key, then click “ñ” with your mouse or press “1” on your keyboard.

Q14: How do I put a tilde over an N?

A14: Follow the steps mentioned above for your device or software.

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