Onsite vs Offsite Records Management Pros and Cons

offsite vs onsite records management

Business owners around the world have the same question popping up in their minds time and time again. Offsite vs onsite records management – which one is comparatively better? If you are on the quest to figure out which option befits the requirements of your company and what are the possible pros and cons associated with onsite and offsite records management for your business. In this write up, we explore some key advantages and downside of the both widely used records archiving practices.

Before we walk you through the pros and cons, let’s elaborate a bit on the onsite and offsite records management services providers.

Onsite vs Offsite Records Management

a)      Offsite Records Management: 

  Offsite records management refers to the process of storing and  maintaining organizational records outside your company premises. Typically it includes outsourcing the records management process to a third party records archiving services provider that caters your organizational data and files for better management. The archiving companies take your records to their well-managed warehouses, organize it and store it.

b)      Onsite Records Management: 

   Onsite Records management means storing and maintaining records within your company premises. Usually this way of records management is carried out either on your own, or hiring records management and achieving professionals.

Pros and Cons of Onsite and Offsite Records Archiving 

I) Safety

When it comes to security and safety of records, offsite records management always wins. Typically, many records storage companies provide security advantages that go beyond basic access control. For instance, the records storage agencies keep your records secure in their state of the art warehouses that are fully under surveillance 24/7.

While storing onsite, there are a number of things that can put the records at risk for safety. For example, unauthorized personnel and staff members can get access to essential files especially if the onsite facility is not equipped with tools of the modern day.

ii) Cost

Offsite records management saves you from a number of incurring costs. Administrative costs go high when you are handling physical records that come in a large quantity. In addition, purchasing software and hiring archiving professionals is another key aspect that offsite records administration lets you escape.

iii) Risk

When you choose to store your files offsite, you are putting them away from the risk of falling them into number dangers. Like thefts, fire and water that can damage the records for life. Offsite document storage firms provide you with peace of mind by ensuring that all storage closets and boxes are fire-proof and temperature-controlled.

vi) Accessibility Convenience

Having your files and documents accessible onsite seems more convenient than storing them offsite. However, if you opt for the right records storage company, convenience shouldn’t be of any concern for you. Companies like The Document Warehouse make it easy for you to access your documents whenever you may need them, delivering them to your door on short notice whenever necessary. Ultimately, the way in which you opt to store your business records will depend on your own preferences, as well as on the needs of your business. 


Business data is stored either onsite or offsite that depends on your personal preferences and business needs. Both, onsite and offsite records management comes with some pros and cons such as safety, risk, cost and accessbility control.  

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