Microsoft updates Outlook for Mac with Profiles feature

Microsoft updates Outlook for Mac

The most recent version of Outlook for Mac allows you to add several email accounts and then make unique profiles based on your requirements. A person might have different profiles for work and home, for instance. Outlook mutes email notifications from the other profiles’ accounts when you choose one. According to Microsoft, the new feature is as follows:

You may now establish profiles in Outlook Mac, such as separate ones for your personal and work accounts. After that, Outlook will only show you alerts from your professional email accounts. You can then choose your work profile. Similarly, Outlook won’t disturb you with emails relating to your job if you choose your personal profile when at home.  

The software integrates with Siri Shortcuts so you can design the automations you desire, such as a shortcut to switch profiles automatically at a specified time of day, making switching between accounts even simpler. Alternatively, you can switch rapidly by using Control + Tab.

With the new Profiles functionality, users can also modify more settings. Each profile may have a unique theme with a different window style and color. Additionally, profiles may be connected to the system’s Focus Filters.

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