Text-based video editing and more come to Adobe’s Premiere Pro

Text-based video editing to Adobe’s Premiere Pro

Adobe has formally added text-based video editing to Premiere Pro. Adobe said last month that the functionality would be added to Premiere Pro in May after spending some time in the beta version during this year.

The function makes advantage of Adobe’s Sensei machine learning platform, which they have been utilising for a while to generate transcripts. Premiere also gives you the option to alter your A-Roll by simply deleting specific text passages, in addition to automatically making transcripts of all your video files for use in closed or open captions.

It does this by listening to each word’s audio track and identifying larger pauses with ellipses, which you can hover over to see the precise length of. By simply deleting language or silences from the transcript, you can easily condense your A-Roll into a rough draft. Changes you make are immediately reflected in your timeline.

The most recent version of Premiere also has various important enhancements to the quality of life. Although auto-save has always been a necessary feature, it would constantly appear in front of your document while you were working. Premiere’s autosave now takes place in the background so as not to interfere with your work. Danish transcription capabilities are also listed in supported languages.

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