Reddit CEO Digs in on API tomfoolery, warns employees of Public Logo Display

Reddit API tomfoolery

Reddit CEO u/spez has returned from a trip to the dump with more garbage to add to the company’s currently raging garage fire.

This week, Steve Huffman sent an email to his company explaining that his vision is better than what customers desire and, P.S., perhaps refrain from wearing the Reddit emblem in public for a bit.

Captain U-spez believes that having a thousand subreddits go private is only one of those mysterious stages between receiving free goods and making money.

Huff anticipates that after the one-day blackout period, the majority of those subreddits that managed to take the site offline yesterday will resume normal operations.

It almost seems as though s-PEZ is issuing a challenge to Reddit’s most fervent user base, telling them to step up their game if they truly want their message to be heard.

The strangest element of this whole situation is U-spez’s fixation on making Apollo and other outside Reddit clients appear to be the troublemakers. Much projection? We encourage you to disrupt and wish you success, making the man who literally raises money for stray dogs appear awful.

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